Saturday, 30 January 2021

Busy Ozzie Week!

 AO Prep in Overdrive

At last, after two tough weeks of quarantine (with all the hoopla that entailed), every player can go wherever they want no masks no nothing. Yep. Australia has zero local C19 spread and all their cases are coming from abroad and are in isolation instantly. Normality never looked stranger!

Monday, 4 January 2021

Welcome to 2021!

 This is a reboot!

Phew! 2020 is in our rear view mirror. Tennis starts again, but it won't be normal business yet. So the tournaments this week start on Tuesday or even Wednesday. And also end somewhere in the middle of next week. Do not ask me why. We get two for the men and one for the women. But! The WTA is a 500 while the ATPs are both just 250. You do the math!